University Structure Academic departments Department of Pathological Physiology named after D.A. Maslakov

The Department of Pathological Physiology named after D.A. Maslakov provides courses: “Pathological Physiology” for 3rd-year students of General Medicine, Pediatrics, Mental Health Medicine, Medical Diagnostics faculties and Medical Faculty for International Students , and “Pathology” for 2nd-year students of the Nursing Department of the Faculty of Medical Diagnostics , also it conducts training in a Master’s Degree Course (Higher Education Degree II) in specialty "1-79 80 29" Pathological physiology, physiology".

The department has 6 classrooms, a laboratory, an inter-department computer classroom and office facilities.

Classes are held weekly during the academic year (34 weeks). Duration of classes - 3 hours. During the academic year, there are 9 lectures on the main sections of pathophysiology. The teaching staff has developed and published a number of teaching guides for students of all the faculties, including “Presentations of lectures”, manuals to prepare for practical classes “Pathological Physiology”, “Pathology of Metabolism”, “Pathology of the Blood System and Hemostasis”. In order to optimize the preparation for classes for students of all the Faculties, electronic teaching guides have been developed. A number of manuals have been published in English.

Every year, at the end of the 6th term, competitions are held among students.

The Department offers an Optional Course "Pathology of the Blood System and Hemostasis".

The Department Staff are actively involved in the sports and cultural life of the university. In 2016-2017, the Department took the second place in the university health contest "Health".

The final form of control

During the education year students take two mini exams: one in the 5th semester according topic "Pathology of Metabolism and Cell", and another in the 6th semester according topic: "Pathology of the blood system and hemostasis." At the end of the year, students take a final exam. The exam includes an oral theoretical answer, practical skills with situational tasks and hemogram conclusion, as well as computer testing.

Post-graduate education

The training of scientific and pedagogical staff is carried out at graduate school, master's and doctoral studies.

Rules for students at the Department of Pathophysiology

At the Department of Pathophysiology

students must:

1. Follow a dress-code: have a neat appearance, the girl’s hair should not be loose, to wear a clean lab coat while in the Department.
2. Keep quiet during the classes and breaks.
3. Have your mobile phones switched off.
4. Have meals in the Canteen (not in the classroom).
5. Do not leave rubbish in the workplace.
6. Do not be late for classes!!!
7. When the teacher comes into the classroom, greet him/her by standing up.