University Structure Academic departments Department of Psychology and Pedagogy

With the establishment of Mental Health Faculty the course of General Psychology of the Department of Psychiatry was organized in Grodno State Medical Institute in 1993. The teaching staff of the course was not numerous:  Micheev I.A. (1993-1998), Elizarova T.Yu. (1993-2000), Elizarov V.I. (1995-2000). From 1996 to 2008 the Course of General Psychology was headed by Assistant Professor, A.V. Prudilo.

The Department of Psychology and Pedagogics was established on the basis of the course of General Psychology of the Department of Psychiatry in September, 2008.

Over this period the Head of the Department was Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, A.D. Korol. Since 2012 the department is headed by Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Assistant Professor, S.L.Bojko.

Over the years different highly qualified professionals worked at the department: Kovolchuk C.O., Skribuk Yu.L., Romanovski A.V., Mishina E.D., Karnelovich M.M., Dauksha L.M., Ryabtsev P.A., Bogoslovskaya V.S., Semchuk L.A., Kovalev B.P., Panasuk V.I., Yastrebkova I.I., Solov’eva A.V., Tsurko N.V., Ioda A.T., Chekunova L.V., Lashevich H.V., Subbota I.A., Krukovskaya Y.V., Romanov O.A.

Since the establishment of the department 1 doctoral thesis (A.D. Korol), 2 candidate's theses (Yu.L. Kuzmitskaya, E. V. Voronko), 4 master theses (E.V. Voronko, L. E. Kevlyak-Dombrovskaya, Yu.L. Kuzmitskaya, T. I. Spasuk) have been defended.

The Department of Psychology and Pedagogics provides training on the following disciplines: 9 disciplines at the Faculty of Mental Health, 8 disciplines at other faculties of the University, 1 discipline for master’s degree programme “Psychology and Pedagogics in Higher Education”, 1 discipline for participants of the Faculty for Advanced Training of doctors “Psychology of Conflict”. Students of the Faculty of Medical Diagnostics have pedagogical practice in Medical College supervised by qualified teaching staff.