University Structure Academic departments Department of General Surgery

For 60-year history the scientific directions of the department were different.

In the last 10 years the scientific subject of department was devoted:

  1. "Reconstructive gastroenterology: prevention and treatment of the operated stomach";
  2. "Questions of pathogenesis and treatment of acute pancreatitis. Postcholecystectomic syndrome";
  3. "Studying, development, introduction in surgical practice of  the methods and ways of morbid obesity patients treatment";
  4. "Improvement of postoperative ventral hernias treatment".

For the last 10 years (2008-2017) 494 scientific works, including 2 monographs, 126 articles were published in the Belarus magazines and outside. 5 collections of scientific works were published, 19 patents for inventions were taken out, 99 improvement suggestions were approved. The staff of the department during this period has defended 4 master's degrees. The department is the organizer of the international symposium "The Belarusian-Polish days of surgery" which serially takes place in Belarus and in Poland.

Educational and public work

All the staff of department are members of the Belarusian association of Surgeons, members of the Presidium of Association and members of the Russian society of endoscopic surgeons. The staff of clinic participates in work of specialized dissertation councils of GrSMU and BSMU, members of the problematic and certification commissions of GrSMU, members of editorial councils of many magazines. Petr Garelik is the chairman of specialized surgical dissertation council at GrSMU, Mariya Mileshko is the scientific secretary of council.