University Structure Academic departments Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases

The Department trains students of medical, medical-psychological, medical-diagnostic faculties and the Medical Faculty for International Students in the Russian and English languages. The following disciplines are taught: "Basis of Medical Care", "Medical Care and Manipulation Technique", "Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases", "Clinical Pharmacology", "Internal Diseases", "Emergency Cardiology and Other Urgent Conditions", "Internal Diseases and Nursing in Internal Medicine".

Over the last 10 years, the Department staff published 4 textbooks with the stamp of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus; 7 textbooks and manuals with the stamp of EMA, 13 textbooks without the stamp, 5 of them in English language. Many of the textbooks have been reprinted several times. The system "Moodle" includes 6 created electronic educational and methodical complex for students of 1st-3rd courses about Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases, the Basics of Medical Care, Nursing Practice for students of all faculties including the Medical Faculty for International Students with English medium of instruction.

The group "Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases" in the social network Vkontakte was organized. Videos with practical skills how to examine patients was done and uploaded in YouTube. Material and technical base of the Department were updated. For conducting practical classes and independent work, there are 9 computers, 1 laptop, 2 Sony tape recorders, and an Epson projector. Students have the opportunity to conduct ECG studies on 2 electrocardiographs (Altonik 06), to use an electronic stethoscope for auscultation of patients. There are mechanical tonometers for measuring blood pressure and 1 electronic (Wateh BP03), peak flow meters and spirograph. There are two computer programs for auscultation of the lungs and heart, 60 laminated posters for different classes.

Rules and Information for the International Students