University Structure Academic departments Department of Foreign Languages

Educational extracurricular activities at the Department of Foreign Languages is organized in accordance with the educational extracurricular activities plan of the University. Educational extracurricular activities of the Department solve the problems of providing each student with opportunities for intellectual, cultural and moral development.

The most important principle of all the work of the Department is a unity of education and upbringing of students. The Department strives to ensure that lectures and practical exercises contribute to the formation of the personality qualities of the future specialist based on the ideas of patriotism, citizenship, humanism and a sense of responsibility. During the training period, the lecturers of the Department pay much attention to maintaining and controlling discipline during practical classes. The teaching staff of the Department always pay attention to students’ appearance and behavior.

Main aspects of educational extracurricular activities:

• Organizational and methodological work

• Ideological and patriotic education

• Development of professional skills. Research work

• Moral education

• Gender and family education

• Aesthetic education and leisure culture

• Legal education, prevention of asocial behaviour

• Multicultural education

• Formation of a healthy lifestyle, physical education, environmental education

• Information support for ideological and educational work

 According to the plan of educational extracurricular activities of the University several teachers of the Department are academic advisors of several groups of the 1st-year students of the Medical Faculty for International Students. The activities are carried out in accordance with the individual plan of educational extracurricular activities of each academic advisor. The following activities are held: talks with students on strengthening the behavior and discipline, healthy lifestyle, discussion of the results of examination sessions.  The Department staff discuss topical issues of student life. The work of academic advisors is regularly discussed at meetings of the Department.

Academic advisors:

Bozhko Tatyana Viktorovna

Voloshko Tatyana Alfredovna

Kniazeva Yulia Valerievna

Matskevich Marina Anatolievna