University Structure Academic departments Department of General and Bioorganic Chemistry

  • 1958 - Department of General chemistry
  • 1984 - Department of Bioorganic and Biophysical chemistry
  • 1987 - Department of General and Bioorganic chemistry



The first head of the department of general chemistry was the candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor VD Bondarin. From 1959 to 1961 the chair was headed by the candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor Kazakova G.A. From 1961 to 1979, the department was headed by V.Vvedensky. .

From 1979 to 1986, Associate Professor MakuhaM.P..

From 1986 to 2002 the department was headed by candidate of Chemical sciences, associate professor N. Kravchenya.

Since 2002 the head of the department is candidate of Chemical sciences, associate professor Boltromeyuk V.V. ..

The training of students in the department of General and Bioorganic chemistry is conducted at all faculties during the first and second semesters, and also in the third semester at the Medical and Diagnostic Faculty in the discipline "Analytical chemistry".

Employees of the departments have prepared and published about 90 teaching aids, of which 4 have the stamp of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus. At the department there are developed and approved electronic educational and methodical complexes for all the subjects taught.

During the functioning of the department, its staff prepared and protected one doctoral and six candidate dissertations, published about 740 scientific papers (articles, theses), received 32 copyright certificates and patents, and published three monographs.

Currently, the department carries out research work on the study of enzyme systems, biotransformation of vitamins B1 and B2, their properties, structure, dynamics, regulation and biological role in the cell.