University Structure Academic departments Department of Psychology and Pedagogy

The Department of Psychology and Pedagogy provides teaching of the following disciplines:

9 disciplines at the Faculty of Mental Health Medicine:

  • "Fundamentals of Psychology and Pedagogy";
  • "General Psychology";
  • "Psychology of Personality";
  • "Developmental Psychology";
  • "The Psychology of Individual Differences";
  • "Social Psychology";
  • "Psychology of family relations";
  • "General psychodiagnostics";
  • "History of Psychology";

8 disciplines are taught in other faculties of the university:

  • "Fundamentals of Psychology and Pedagogy";
  • "Communication in health care";
  • "Psychology of interpersonal relations";
  • "Pedagogy and teaching methods";
  • "Age-related psychology";
  • "Pedagogical psychology";
  • "Psychology of management";
  • "Social Psychology".

1 discipline at the second stage of higher education – "Pedagogy and Psychology of higher education."

1 discipline for doctors of all specialties and teachers of medical institutions of education, the topic: “Psychology of conflict”.

Students of the Faculty of Medical Diagnostics the supervision of the academic staff of the Department undergo teaching practice as a teacher at the medical college.

The faculty of the department developed and taught according to the workload optional courses:

  • "Psychological and Emotional Health";
  • "Developmental Psychology";
  • "Perinatal psychology";
  • "Psychology of communication";
  • “Psychology of communication.Basics of conflictology".

The structure of the academic discipline “Biomedical ethics and communication in health care” includes two section. In total, 126 academic hours, of which 59 are classrooms. Distribution of classroom hours by type lessons: 14 hours of lectures, 45 hours of seminars.

Сontrol: credit (2nd semester).

Academic discipline "Psychology and pedagogy" is presented in two parts: "Fundamentals of Psychology" and "Fundamentals of Pedagogy". The number of hours to study the course "Fundamentals of Psychology and Pedagogy" is 34 hours, them are: 18 hours - lectures, 16 hours - workshops.

Сontrol: credit (3rd semester).