University Structure Academic departments Department of Foreign Languages News and events


29 march 2024 — 12:06

From March 18 to March 22, 2024, the Department of Foreign Languages held a number of events ​​within the English Language Week. During the Week the first-year students from the Faculty of General Medicine, the Faculty of Pediatrics, the Faculty of Mental Health Medicine and the Faculty of Medical Diagnostics took part in the following events:

1) drama studio (mini-performance “The black plate”);

2) mini-projects “Tongue twister battle”, “The mysterious world of microorganisms”;

3) quizzes (Neurological disorders quiz, Brain Ring “Viruses and bacteria”, intellectual contest “Your own game”);

4) contemporary English song competition.

Participants of the Drama Studio demonstrated their creative abilities in staging the play “The black plate” based on an ancient Indian legend. The play reveals such moral qualities of the characters as honesty, generosity and friendship. Students of group 11 of the Faculty of Pediatrics not only demonstrated their good command of the English language, but also showed great acting abilities.


The Tongue Twister Battle not only helped the students to practice tricky English sounds, but also contributed to better interaction with peers during the competition. It also helped to identify the strengths of medical students: perseverance and insistence in achieving goals, empathy and support.

Students of the Faculty of Pediatrics showed their creativity while preparing mini-projects devoted to interesting facts about microorganisms. Thematic quizzes and competitions deservedly aroused students’ interest. Informative and interesting presentations prepared as part of the quizz demonstrated deep knowledge not only of a foreign language, but also of a particular field of medicine.

Seven first-year students of the Faculty of General Medicine, the Faculty of Pediatrics, the Faculty of Mental Health Medicine took part in the 1st and 2nd rounds of the III International Online English Language Olympiad “English in Healthcare: Inspire and Move Forward!” (Saratov State Medical University named after V.I.  Razumovsky). Rusak V.Yu. (1st year, group No. 2, the Faculty of Mental Health Medicine) was the winner of the 2nd round of the Olympiad. Although these students did not become the winners of the 3rd (final) round, they gained valuable experience, which contributed to increasing their motivation to learn a foreign language.

Participation in events within the English Language Week contributed to the development of students’ creative initiative, and allowed them to apply the knowledge acquired during the learning process in practice while solving numerous problems that go beyond the scope of the academic process.


