University Structure Academic departments Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery Educational activities

Criteria of estimation of knowledge on course of neurology and neurosurgery

As a result of studying the discipline the student should:


- Sensitive function. Syndromes of sensitive disorders.

- Reflex-motor function of nervous system pathology. Types of paralyses. Syndromes of a lesion of a motor tract at different levels.

- Extrapyramidal system and characteristics of its lesion. A cerebellum, characteristics of a cerebellum lesion.

- Anatomy, examination and clinical signs of I-XII cranial nerves affection.

- Localization of functions in the brain cortex, syndromes of lesions, disturbance of the higher cortical functions

- Demyelination diseases of nervous system.

- Epilepsy and nonepileptic paroxysmal states.

- Hemorrhagic and ischemic cerebral strokes.

- Infectious diseases of central nervous system.

- Diseases of peripheral nervous system. Vertebrogenic lesions of nervous system.

- Hereditary and degenerative diseases of nervous system.

- Neurosurgical treatment of circulatory and vertebrogenic disorders of nervous system.

- Traumatic injuries of central nervous system.

- Brain and spinal cord tumors.

be able:

to examine nervous system sensitive function:

— pain, temperature sensation, tactile sensitivity

— deep proprioceptive sensitivity and vibration sensation

— stereognosis and two-dimension space feeling

to examine tension symptoms (Lasseg, Neri, Wasserman, Degerine)

to examine nervous system reflective-motor function:

— passive and active limb movement

— muscle tone and strength

— superficial congenital reflexes (abdominal, feet, corneal, pharyngeal)

— deep congenital reflexes

— pathological reflexes (oral automatism, Babinski’s, Oppenheim, Gordon, Sheffer, Rossolimo, Zhukovsky’s, Bechterew)

to examine functions of balance and movement coordination

to examine:

— olfactory and visual analyzer

— oculomotor nerve

— taste, trigeminal and facial nerves

— auditory and vestibular nerves, Rinne and Weber tuning tests

— glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves

— accessory, sublingual nerves

to examine speech, writing, reading, counting

to define apraxia, agnosia

to examine vegetative nervous system functioning

to define meningeal signs