University Structure Academic departments Department of Radiodiagnostics
Radiation and Ecological Medicine
Faculty of Foreign Students, 2nd year
Materials for Radiation Medicine Lesson 1-3
Materials for Radiation Medicine. Lesson 4
Materials for Radiation Medicine. Lesson 5
Materials for Radiation Medicine. Lesson 6
Materials for Radiation Medicine. Lesson 7
Materials for Radiation Medicine. Lesson 8
Materials for Radiation Medicine. Lesson 9
Materials for Radiation Medicine. Lesson 10
Guidelines for Ecological Medicine for the 2nd year students
Questions for differentiated credit test on radiation and ecological medicine
Radiodiagnostics and Radiotherapy
Faculty of Foreign Students, 3rd year
Training Programme in Radiology
Exemption from the educational standard
Examination questions
Lecture material for students
Atlas of diagnostic imaging
Materials and assignments for the controlled self-study
Radiology and radiotherapy
Еducational program Radiology and radiotherapy