University Structure Academic departments Department of Polyclinic Pediatrics

The department has been established in 2021 by order of the rector of the Grodno State Medical University.

The first staff of the department consisted of:

N. Tomchik,

L. Sheybak,

T. Lashkovskaya,

N. Khlebovets,

A. Karchevsky,

V. Matusevich,

V. Mulyarchik.

In September 2022 K. Semashko, E. Koronchik, A. Novitskaya have joined the department.

Teaching disciplines represented are:

«First Aid» 1st year pediatric faculty; «Medical care manipulation technique» 2nd year pediatric faculty; «Outpatient Pediatrics» 6th year pediatric faculty; «Pediatrics, incl. neonatology, outpatient pediatrics» for general practitioners 6th year medical faculty; «Introduction to practice» 1st year pediatric faculty; «Medical care clinicals» 2nd year pediatric faculty; «Clinical outpatient care» 4th year pediatric faculty.

Since September of 2022, the department has been offering additional courses:

«Evidence-Based Medicine» 6th year pediatric faculty: «Pediatrics, incl. neonatology» for 6th year anesthesiology students of general medicine faculty. «Pediatrics» for 6th year students of the faculty of foreign students.

Since September 2022, an elective course «Emergency medical care» has been offered to 4th year students of the pediatric faculty.