University Structure Academic departments Department of Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy

The Department provides teaching of the two disciplines: «Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery» at the Faculty of General Medicine, Faculty of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medical Diagnostics, Medical Faculty for International Students (100 academic hours, final form of knowledge control – exam) and «Operative surgery» at the Faculty of Mental Health Medicine (80 academic hours, final form of knowledge control – differential pass-fail exam).


1. Students are required to:

- comply with the internal regulations of the Department;

- immediately report about each accident to the teacher, emerged at the Department.

2. Students should:

- work in a white coat, a сap and changing shoes;

- during the lessons it is necessary to maintain order in the workplace;

- use surgical tools and other devices for their intended purpose;

- observe safety rules in the operating room.

3. Students are required to comply with fire safety regulations. Smoking is not allowed.

4. The student is responsible for causing damage to the property of the educational Institution and is obliged to restore it.

5. At the end of classes, students are required to put in order the workplace.

6. In case of an accident it is necessary to:

- stop work immediately;

- let the teacher know what happened.

7. Refer to the Instruction on first aid at impact of the person by electric current and other injuries.

8. Do not start work until the consequences of the emergency are completely eliminated and without the permission of the teacher.

Practical skills video
To view the video click here
1. Hitch knot making technique / Морской узел
2. Simple knot making technique / Square knot / Простой узел
3. Surgical knot making technique / Surgeon's knot / Friction knot / Хирургический узел
4. Simple interrupted suture making technique
5. Hemostasis technique in a wound
6. Skin suture removal
7. Continuous blanket  suture making technique
8. Continious matress suture making technique
9. Continious Reverdin-Multanovski suture making technique
10. Preparation of instruments for suturing
11. Classification of surgical instruments
12. Instruments for disconnection of tissues
13. Instruments for connection of tissues
14. Hemostatic instruments
15. Rules of skin disconnection
16. Separation of muscles by blunt way
17. Dissection of aponeurosis on groove probe
18. P-shaped suture making technique / Interrupted horizontal matress suture
19. Z-shaped suture making technique / 8-shaped suture
20. Suturing the small intestine defect with a purse string suture
21. Cuneo tendon suture
22. End-to-end intestinal anastomosis technique (part 1: posterior lip)
23. End-to-end intestinal anastomosis technique (part 2: anterior lip)
24. End-to-end intestinal anastomosis technique (part 3: seromuscular Lembert sutures)
25. Auxiliary instruments
26. Surgical tie instrument technique / Portiligature
27. Ligation of vessels at distance
28. Ligation of vessels in the wound
29. Carrel`s vascular suture technique