University Structure Academic departments Department of Pathological Anatomy Forensic medicine

1961-1999 - Department of Forensic Medicine, since 1999 - a course of Forensic Medicine at the Department of Pathological Anatomy, since 2012  - discipline "Forensic Medicine" at the Department of Pathological Anatomy.

The first composition: M.I. Lisakovich (1962-1999), P.P. Schegolev (1962-1976).

Teachers of the department: E.A. Anin (1985 - present),  I.A. Morozevich (2011 - present),  M.A. Feduto (2020 – present), V.O. Voilokova (2015 - 2019),  M.I. Pyzhevsky (2017 - 2019),  L.A. Efimov (1964-2006),  A.S. Koronchik (2007 - 2013), N.I. Kuzmitsky (2006 - 2018),  D.Ya. Krivosheev (2009 - 2016),  M.A. Kulmachevskaya (1991-1997),  M.M. Pyatkevich (1976-1999),  N.F. Siliaeva (1977-1984),  L.L. Chizhevskaya (1999-2004), V.A. Chuchko (1964-1974).