University Structure Academic departments Department of Pathological Physiology named after D.A. Maslakov Research activities


  1. Razvodovsky Y. E., Troyan E. I., Doroshenko Ye. M., Smirnov V. Yu., Maksimovich N. Ye./ Levels of Free Amino Acids and their Derivatives in the Brain Cortex of Rats During Unilateral Ischemia // Bio Core International Journal of Neuroscience and Behavior Studies. – Int. J. Neru &Beh. – 2017. – V. 1:1, – P.18 –21.
  2. Bon Y. I., Maksimovich N.Y.  Effects of Experemental Cerebral Ishemia on Metabolic Characteristics of Parietal Cortex Neurons// Bioprocess Engineering/ V. 2, Is1, March 2018, P:1-5
  3. Maksimovich N.Y, Milosh T.S., Dremza I.K. Influence of Cerebral Ischemia of Various Duration on Mitochondrial Respiration// Bioprocess Engineering Volume 2, Issue 1, March 2018, P. 6-9
  4. Pathogenetic correction of brain bioenergy disorders: monograph / N. Ye. Maksimovich, I.K. Dremza, E. I. Troyan. - Grodno: GrSMU, 2018. – 256
  5. Bon E.I., Morphological changes in the parietal cortex of rats after subtotal cerebral ischemia and on the background of the introduction L-NAME/ Bon Y. I., Maksimovich N.Y.  Zimatcin S.M.// Vestnic VGMU. – 2019. – Vol. 18, N1. – P. 14-20.
  6. Razvodovsky Y. E., Maksimovich N. Ye.  The content of amino acids and their derivatives in the cerebral cortex of rats during its partial ischemia / Yu Ye.   Razvodovsky Y. E., Troyan E.I., Maksimovich N. Ye. [et al.] // Vestnic of Smolens State Medical Academy.  –  2019. – V. 18.  № 1. – P. 5–9.