University Structure Academic departments Department of Traumatology, Orthopedics and Military Field Surgery

In 1963, a course of traumatology and orthopedics was created at the department of hospital surgery of the Grodno state medical institute. This course was led at various times by associate professor N.A. Polivoda and associate professor N.I. Zhandarov. The staff of the regional department of orthopedics and traumatology together with the head of the course of orthopedics and traumatology of the Grodno state medical institute, associate professor N.A. Polivoda carried out diagnostic, consultancy, and disease-prevention service, both in the regional center and in the districts when performing scheduled visits. During this period, disease-prevention service began to be carried out more actively, a system of dispensary observation of patients with consequences of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system developed, and work to improve the qualifications of medical personnel was revived, as doctors of regional hospitals had the opportunity to train in the regional center. This was the basis for improving the quality of the treatment process, introducing modern methods of treatment both in the department of the regional hospital and in district hospitals.

It was during this period in the region the range of surgical interventions extended: internal osteosynthesis, treatment methods were introduced using compression-distraction apparatus, surgical interventions for congenital and acquired diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The department of traumatology, orthopedics and war surgery was founded on January 23, 1973 - by the order of the rector of the Grodno state medical institute No. 7-Л-73 in accordance with the decision of the USSR Ministry of Health on the separation of teaching traumatology and orthopedics into an independent discipline.

The organizer and the first head of the department was Ph.D., associate professor P.S. Reutov. He was head of the department for 13 years (1973–1986). At the origins of the department were A.S. Tretyakov, K.N. Borisevich, N.B. Sedova, A.M. Sazhich, A.A. Kurets. After transfer to another department A.A. Kurets (1977) and the retirement of N.B. Sedova (1980) the assistants to the department were elected B.А. Karev (1978) and S.I. Boltrukevich (1980). In September 1987, the department was enlarged by joining the course of anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care (the head of the course was V.V. Spas and assistant V.I. Ilyin).

In 1987 - 88 the department was replenished with three new assistants: A.V. Kalugin, J.N. Burneyko, A.A. Zamilatsky. Subsequently from among the assistants became associate professors K.N. Borisevich (1989), B.A. Karev (1990), J.N. Burneyko (1997), I.P. Bogdanovich (2002), A.V. Kalugin (2003). The first post-graduate student of the department was a native of the scientific circle I.P. Bogdanovich.

From August 1986 to June 2010 head of the department was Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Belarus, Professor S.I. Boltrukevich. From July 2010 to the present, the head of the department is PhD, associate professor V.V. Lashkovsky.

Teachers of the department since 1973: Reutov P.S. (1973-1986), Tretyakov A.S. (1973-1997), Borisevich K.N. (1973-2002), A.M. Sazhich (1973-1985), Sedova N.B. (1973-1980), Karev B.A. (1978-2010), Boltrukevich S.I. (1980-2012), Grigencha I.S. (1986-1987), Kalugin A.V. (1987-2008), Y.N. Burneyko (1988-2005), Zamilatsky A.A. (1988-2011), Bogdanovich I.P. (1990-present), Lashkovsky V.V. (1995- present), Cheshik S.L. (1999-2018), Karev D. B. (2004-2019), Anosov V.S. (2006-present), Marmysh A.G. (2009-present), Konetsky A.A. (2012-present), Koshman G.A. (2012-present), Britsko A.A. (2013-present), Ivantsov V.A. (2016-present), Malkin M.G. (2019- present).

Currently on the department work 12 employees

4 associate professors, Ph.D. - Lashkovsky V.V., Bogdanovich I.P., Anosov V.S., Marmysh A.G.

2 assistants, Ph.D. - Koshman G.A., Ivantsov V.A.

3 assistants - Britsko A.A., Konetsky A.A., Malkin M.G.

3 laboratory assistants - Ponimash N.V., Bukholts T.D., Lazerko T.A.