University Structure Offices and units The social, pedagogical and psychological sector

The SOCIAL, PEDAGOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL SECTOR of the department of educational work with youth of the university (SPPS) is aimed to assist and support students in their adaptation to the educational environment of the university, in solving psychological problems, as well as in protecting the rights and legitimate interests of students.

At the SPP sector, there are psychologists and social teachers to whom any university student can come for a consultation. Sometimes a person can get into a difficult or crisis situation, and it is difficult for them to cope with it on their own. The reasons can be very diverse: problems in communicating with loved ones and friends, difficulties in understanding oneself, self-determination. However, despite the problems that have arisen, a psychologist will help you answer your questions and also help you solve them.


You can contact a psychologist:

• If you don't know how to solve your problem yourself.

• If you have interpersonal problems with loved ones.

• If you have a difficult adaptation period.

• If you feel that you are not effective enough in personal, professional or social spheres.

• If all possibilities to cope with the problem on your own are exhausted.

• If you are in a state of mental discomfort.

A psychologist will help you:

• Establish relationships with others.

• Get rid of fears and negative emotions.

• Gain self-confidence, believe in yourself and your strength.

• Find ways out of conflict situations, learn to solve problems and achieve goals.

• Gain inner strength to change yourself and your life for the better.

• Discover your potential and self-actualize in life.


You can always count on emotional support and attention to your problems, respect for your interests and complete confidentiality. Consultations are held by appointment in full-time and online format.

In addition, SPPS of the university conducts training and developmental classes with students, where you will be able to get to know yourself better, learn effective communication skills, develop abilities and personal qualities.

The consulting room of the psychologist is located in hostel No. 4 at Kurchatova str., 10, 1st floor, office No. 1, e-mail: