University Structure Academic departments Department of psychoterapy and clinical psychodiagnostics

The Department of Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy has 2 clinical bases – The Grodno Regional Clinical Centre of Psychiatry and Drug Abuse Treatment and Grodno City Hospital No 3.

The consultant at the Department of Borderline States of the Grodno Regional Clinical Centre of Psychiatry and Drug Abuse Treatment is Marat Aliyevich Assanovichthe Head of the Department of Medical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Sc. (Medicine).

The treating doctors at this Department are Svetlana Alekseevna Buzuk, Asst. Lecturer, Cand. of Sc. (Medicine), Alyona Alexandrovna Lugovskaya, Senior Lecturer, Cand. of Sc. (Medicine), Tatyana Evgenyevna Tomaschik, Asst. Lecturer.

The treathings doctors at the Women’s Psychiotric Department are Alyona Michailovna Zhigar, Asst. Lecturer.

The Staff of the Department also provides individual psychotheraphy to the patients of the above mentioned departments.

The consultant at the Psycho-Neurological Department is Elena Grigoryevna Korolyova, Prof., D. Sc. (Medicine).

 The treating doctors at the Psycho-Neurological Department are Lyudviga Ivanovna Tsidik, Asst. Lecturer, Moiseenok Katerina Nikolaevna, Asst. Lecturer.