University Structure Offices and units International Affairs Department Participation in international projects

Erasmus+ KA107

Erasmus + KA107 program mobility between program countries and partner countries

Academic mobility for faculty and staff

We are pleased to announce that the Erasmus + international mobility competition for the 2019-2020 academic years is open!

Information about the program:

ERASMUS + (Erasmus Plus) is a program of the European Union aimed at supporting for education cooperation, vocational training, youth and sports for the period from 2014 to 2020.

All mobility projects under Erasmus + aim to help each participant develop the necessary skills improve their professional level and deepen knowledge of other cultures. And also aim to increase the capacity, attractiveness and international openness of the participating organizations.

Detailed information on Erasmus + programme is presented on the following sites:

Who can participate?

Postgraduate and graduate students, professors and staff members.


The selection of program participants is carried out by the Commission on a competitive basis in accordance with the approved selection criteria, (вставить документ критерии отбора)



Submit application (Appendix 1) in paper and e-form to the Department of International Affairs (hereinafter - DIA) within the established period.

DIA carries out technical examination of the tender application and its registration. If applications do not meet the established requirements and deadlines, as well as have discrepancies in the electronic and paper versions then applications are not registered.

Applications and a list of participants are provided to the Selection Board for subsequent evaluation in accordance with the Selection Criteria. (Appendix 1). Based on the results of the Commission's work, lists of participants in the Erasmus + program are drawn up.

DIA informs the universities about the results of the competition and provides a list of candidates.

Participants need draw up the necessary documents for training/teaching independently and in accordance with the requirements established by the receiving party. All correspondence with a representative of the receiving university is conducted directly by the mobility participant.


Required Documents:


2) Curriculum vitae

3) Lecture plan / training plan (no special form)

Lecture plan:

training plan:

4) Motivation letter (a letter in which, after telling about yourself, you need to answer the questions why you chose this program and what you expect to receive from it, what it will give you in the future, and also why you should be accepted. Briefly but persuasively describe that you have a good idea of the profile of the chosen program and that this profile is consistent with your background and professional interests.).

Motivation letter:

From the beginning, all expenses for participation in the program, including visa, insurance, accommodation booking and purchase of tickets, are carried out at the expense of the participant. The costs incurred are covered upon receipt of the grant.

After receiving a letter of invitation for teaching/training from the Receiving University, you must draw up the following documents at the GSMU:

  • Statement and assignment for business trips abroad:

The following documents must be attached:

  • letter of invitation from the receiving university;
  • Russian translation of the invitation letter



1. Within 10 days after the end of mobility within the framework of the Erasmus + program, it is necessary to submit the report of the person who arrived from the business trip abroad and the report of the participant under the program to the international affairs department (office 123).

2. Prepare brief information and several photos about the period of mobility for posting on the university website.

3. Submit to the HR department a Certificate/confirming letter of participation in mobility indicating the number of lectures and/or the period of mobility.

For any further questions contact the International Affairs Department: office. No. 123, phone: + 375-152-44-68-12, e-mail: