University Structure Academic departments Department of Pediatric Surgery

The main clinical base of the Department of pediatric surgery is health institution "Grodno regional children's clinical hospital", which has a wide profile of specialized departments. Among them - 2 surgical departments with 40 beds, orthopedic and traumatology Department, Department for newborn and premature babies, Department of anesthesiology and intensive care, reception and diagnostic

The only surgical departments in the Grodno region, which perform the full range of diagnostic, complex and high-tech operations on various organs and systems; with congenital and acquired pathology of soft tissues, organs of the thoracic and abdominal cavities, genitourinary system, burn injury, where new modern surgical methods of treatment of children from the newborn to 18 years.

Upon commissioning in may 2014. the new surgical building and reequipment of medical equipment of the surgery block, anesthesiology-intensive care units, surgical departments, emergency and diagnostic departments and the children's surgical center of the Grodno region has modern medical-diagnostic equipment.

Responsible for medical work at the Department is Ph. D., associate Professor Iodkovsky.

Weekly rounds are conducted by the head of the Department V.I. Kovalchuk – surgeon of the highest qualification category, Professor, MD