University Structure Academic departments Department of Obsterics and Gynecology

By the order of the Rector of the Grodno Medical Institute from August 25, 1961, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology was established. During 1961-1962 academic year the teaching of obstetrics for the 4th year students started.

From 1961 to 1967, the Head of the Department was MD, Professor Mikhail Veniaminovich Mogilyov, a graduate of the Leningrad obstetric school, a well-educated person, had a high culture, an excellent lecturer and a highly qualified surgeon. Scientific works were mainly devoted to the issues of gynecological endocrinology, woman hygiene, operative obstetrics and gynecology. He prepared 8 candidates of medical sciences. At this time, the staff of the department was relatively small: associate professor - Vitaly Stepanovich Rakut, the assistants were Galina Evgenievna Lutsenko and Alexandra Vladimirovna Supron. This small team has done a great job of organizing the educational, medical and scientific process.


From 1967 to 2002, the department was headed by MD, Professor Vitaly Stepanovich Rakut. The main areas of research were the features of pregnancy and childbirth with arterial hypotension, with late gestosis, after a cesarean section, pregnancy complications and gynecological morbidity among chemical workers. Under the supervision of prof. Rakut V.S. 13 candidate and 3 doctoral dissertations were completed and defended. Personally prof. Rakut V.S. published 170 scientific papers and one monograph.


From 2002 to 2012, the department was headed by MD, Associate Professor Tatyana Y. Yegorova. Under her supervision 5 master's theses were completed and defended. Scientific studies were devoted to issues of miscarriage, hemostasis, the diagnosis of fetal malformations, anemia of pregnancy and its correction, placental insufficiency. Associate Professor Egorova T. Yu. published 248 scientific papers.



From 2012 to the present, the department is headed by MD, Professor Gutikova Lyudmila Vitoldovna.