University Structure Academic departments Department of psychoterapy and clinical psychodiagnostics Educational activities

Aim of teaching and studying the discipline "Medical Psychology" is training of doctors with current deep medical knowledge in the area of sick person's psychology.

The tasks of studying the discipline is formation and development of students' academic competence, which is based on the ability to independent search for educational and information resources, learning methods of obtaining and understanding knowledge about the psychological component of the disease, the causes of abnormal behavior and methods of correction of psychological problems.

A student must know:

 - stages of development of human psyche;

- psychological bases of doctor-patient communication;

 - psychological features of patients with different somatic pathology;

- basic theoretical conceptions of psychological help (behavioral, psychoanalytic, humanistic);

- directive and undirective model of advising;

 - principles of integrative approach at psychological support;

 - types of psychological defense mechanisms;

- classification of coping-strategies;

 - psychological aspects of placebo-effect;

 - psychological features of patients with different somatic pathology(therapeutic, oncologic, obstetric and gynaecological, surgical, pediatric);

 - aims and tasks of crisis intervention;

- psychological mechanisms of reaction on a loss, stages of grief reaction , agerelated features of perception of death. Pathological grief. Strategies of psychological help at the reaction of loss;

- psychological aspects of different forms of self-destructive behavior.

The student must be able to:

- compare concepts: psychological correction, psychotherapy and crisis intervention as types of providing of psychological help;

- distinguish empathy from authentication, liking and interpretation;

- apply empathy and absolute respect in conversation with a patient;

- determine dominant psychological defense mechanisms and coping-strategies of patients;

- estimate a structure and degree of expressed of violations of cognitive processes and emotionally-volitional sphere of patients;

- estimate the dynamics of psychological problems depending on efficiency conducted; - to diagnose frontier mental disorders;

- estimate the dynamics of psychological problems depending on efficiency of the conducted therapy;

- correct personality features influencing on efficiency of professional activity.