University Structure Academic departments Department of General and Bioorganic Chemistry Educational activities

Requirements for the development of academic discipline

Requirements for the disciplines of "General and Bioorganic chemistry" are determined by the educational standard of higher education in the first cycle of general, professional and special disciplines, which indicates the minimum content of the discipline in the form of generalized chemical knowledge and skills that make up chemical competence in University graduate:

a) generalized knowledge:
-to understand the essence of the subject as a science and its connection with other disciplines;
- significance in the understanding of metabolic processes;
- the concept of unity of structure and reactivity of organic molecules;
- the fundamental laws of chemistry, necessary for explaining the processes occurring in living organisms;
- chemical properties and biological significance of the main classes of organic and inorganic compounds.

b) generalized skills:
- to predict the reaction mechanism on the basis of knowledge about the structure of organic molecules and methods for breaking chemical bonds;
- explain the importance of reactions for the functioning of living systems;
- use the knowledge gained in the study of biochemistry, pharmacology and other disciplines.

Requirements to knowledge and practical skills