University Structure Academic departments Department of the Russian and Belarusian Languages
 «Russian as a foreign language»

I year 2 term

  1. Lexical and grammatical test.
  2. Reading of unfamiliar literary text. Write down 5 questions to the text.
  3. Topics:

- My friend

- My family

- My day

- Seasons and weather  

- Health

        - Holidays

II year 4 term

  1. Lexical and grammatical test.
  2. Reading and retelling of unfamiliar literary text.
  3. Monologue. Topics:

- Grodno

- The Republic of Belarus

- My native country

- Grodno State Medical University

- My future profession

       - Movement is life

III year 6 term

  1. Lexical and grammatical test.
  2. Reading and retelling of unfamiliar literary text.
  3. Monologue. Topics:

- Foreign language in my life.

- Topical problems of  modern medicine

- Culture and traditions of my country

- Internet in our life

- What is beautiful in my life?

        - Why do we do good deeds?