University Structure Academic departments Department of Anesthesiology and Emergency Medicine

Grodno Regional Clinical Hospital

Head of the Department, Associate Professor, Doctor of Medicine, R.E. Yakubtsevich is a curator of department of anesthesiology and emergency medicine No. 1, office of a hemodialysis with extracorporeal methods of a detoxification.

Professor, MD-V.V. Spas is a curator of department of anesthesiology and emergency medicine No. 2.

Associate Professor, PhD in Medicine. K.M. Bushma is a curator of department of anesthesiology and emergency medicine No. 3.

Assistant, PhD in Medicine K.M. Dorokhin supervises the section of anesthesiology ensuring planned and emergency surgeries of  the  Grodno Regional Clinical  Hospital.

The assistant P.P. Protasevich supervises the section of a clinical hemostasisin intensive care, extracorporeal methods of purification of blood in intensive care.

The assistant M.V. Kolesnik supervises questions of control of hydrobalance, infusional therapy and clinical food.

Grodno City Clinical Hospital of Emergency Care

Associate professor, PhDs in Medicine-V.V. Gubar is a curator of department of anesthesiology and intensive care.

Associate professor, PhDs in Medicine-V.A. Predko is a curator of department of anesthesiology and intensive care (the section of regional anesthesia in traumatology, obstetric anesthesiology and a neurotrauma, extracorporal methods of clarification of blood).

Grodno Regional Children's Clinical Hospital

The assistant V.K. Sergienko is a curator department of anesthesiology and intensive care.

Grodno Regional Perinatal Center

The assistant M.V. Kolesnik supervises questions of control of anesthetic management, critical care, hydrobalance, infusional therapy and clinical nutrition.