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An instructional workshop "Peer review in medical education" was arranged for the University divisions’ personnel

15 november 2022 — 09:10

On November 11, 2022, according to the order of the Rector No. 493 (dated October 25, 2022), an instructional workshop "Peer review in medical education" was arranged for the University divisions’ personnel (heads or representatives) responsible for quality assurance. The workshop was initiated and prepared by the members of the working group of the Erasmus + KA2 project "Setting peer review instruments and goals for medical (health) education» / SPRING.

The opening speech was made by the First Vice-Rector V.V. Vorobyov.

The results of the project and information on the progress in its implementation in context of epidemiological and geopolitical challenges were presented by the project manager at Grodno State Medical University M. Yu. Surmach. Two first issues and the website of the project journal (MEDN-EECA) were demonstrated. The creation of the new association of the partner-universities consortium was announced. Particular attention was given to the recommendations elaborated by the project board on the implementation of international accreditation in medical education presented in MEDN-EECA.

The head of the Quality Management Sector T. P. Shved gave a presentation “The quality management system at the educational institution”.

A comprehensive analysis of the useful experience of expert quality assessment at partner universities of the SPRING consortium was presented by Ya.V. Razvodovskaya.

The presentation by E. A. Kalyuta was devoted to topical issues of digitalization of quality management at GrSMU.

The role of the simulation center in the implementation of the competency-based approach to the educational process was specified by the First Vice-Rector V. V. Vorobyov (based on materials provided by the head of the Simulation and Certification Center V. V. Butko).

The Head of the Research Laboratory of GrSMU Research Department M. N. Kurbat presented a report "Risk-based management of research and innovation activities of the organization in accordance with the requirements of ISO 31000".

The presentations "Expert assessment of quality at the Faculty of General Medicine" and "Expert assessment of quality at the Faculty of Advanced Training and Retraining" were given by the Deans of these faculties: A. V. Boltach and A. R. Plotsky.

The presentations were highly practice-oriented, with an emphasis on innovation and rapid changes taking place in the global educational environment.

A number of topics raised questions from the audience and were further discussed during the workshop session.

All participants of the instructional workshop (about 60 people) will receive certificates of participation.

At the final stage of the project implementation, the present workshop contributes to the dissemination and effective use of the positive experience gained by the consortium, as well as to increase the sustainability of the project results for the participants from the Republic of Belarus.
