Honours Board Students on their goals, dreams, and accomplishments: Shahika Munafer
Hello! I'm Shahika Munafer, a 6th-year Honour student from Sri Lanka here at Grodno State Medical University. Becoming a doctor was always a dream rooted in my desire to protect and support my family. I grew up wanting to be there for them, thinking no one could care for them as well as I could. I wanted to understand how I could spend more time with them and provide them with a comfortable life in their older age. As I delved deeper into the field, I realized that this feeling of care extended beyond just my loved ones. Helping those in need and seeing the relief on their faces has become a calling, something I now strive to do every day.
Adapting to life in Belarus has been a journey in itself. From navigating language barriers to even finding halal meat, every challenge was a step toward building resilience. But I couldn't have done it alone. I owe so much to my family—Wapa and Umma, to whom I dedicate every success, for raising me to be confident and considerate. They have shaped the values that guide me today.
My group mates have been like family too. For six years, they celebrated each achievement with me, stood by me in times of trouble, and made every event feel special. I am immensely grateful to my teachers, who reignited my passion for medicine and reminded me of the awe-inspiring complexity of the human body. My deepest thanks also go to the staff at the Dean's office, who helped an 18-year-old adjust to a new country, offering guidance on everything from academics to life.
Since my school years, I've believed that while hard work alone may not guarantee success, it certainly helps—and I'm grateful that the effort I put in has allowed me to reach high goals here, just as it did back then. Today, I look forward to continuing this journey with a passion for healing, grounded in the knowledge that I'm not alone. With the support of my family and everyone who's stood beside me, I know this is just the beginning of a path filled with purpose, resilience, and gratitude. Thank you, Grodno, for becoming my second home and shaping the doctor I am becoming".