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It's every student's personal story. Grodno State Medical University presents its calendar for 2022

18 february 2022 — 14:35

Touch the history and explore the rich traditions of the peoples: Grodno State Medical University presented its calendar for 2022. The main characters of the posters are International students.

The main idea is to reflect national identity and tell the spectators a unique, unrepeatable story of each large-scale project participant. Currently more than 1200 students from 33 countries study at the Faculty for International students of Grodno State Medical University.

- The concept of this calendar is to show through our students the national diversity, - said the head of the GrSMU International Affairs Department Oksana Mozalevich - students are interesting both as people and as the representatives of their cultures. At the photo-shoot the students were wearing their national costumes. It is seem immediately how their facial expressions and body language changed as they changed into their traditional clothes. There's a lot we don't know about the guys. They come to Grodno State Medical University at a very young age, usually at the age of 17 or 18. The university is a place where they develop, grow as individuals, as professionals in the medical profession, but most importantly, they keep their cultural heritage.

Such a colorful project is implemented at the university for the first time. Students from many countries were invited to participate. Nigeria, Iraq, Maldives, Sri Lanka, India, Ghana, Kenya and others. Students of 12 nationalities took part in the project. One of the posters represents Belarusian students, thereby showing that even though we are all different, we are still together.

- Unfortunately, not all of the students who participated in the photo-shoot were included in the final calendar, but we made small pocket calendars where everyone is represented, - said Oksana Mozalevich, - we can print different variations in the future.

For the students, participation in the project was not simply a new experience; it also was a chance to touch the roots, to feel the connection to their homeland, even for a moment.

- Students participated with great pleasure. It is not only exciting experience, it is an honor for us and the students to be a part of such an interesting project. It is a story which certainly will be remembered for a long time.

Grodno State Medical University traditionally hosts various events created by students of the Faculty for International Students. There are Student Festival of National Cultures, Mister and Miss of International Students Faculty, Music Unites All Contest and many others. On the Day of International Students Faculty the students introduce their cultural heritage, national cuisine and, of course, through multifaceted creative performances show their traditions.

Photos of the calendar were made by Alexander Minko.

The material was prepared by the Department of Public Relations and Marketing
