Research and innovation Scientific activities

The Students’ Scientific Society of the Grodno State Medical University was founded in 1960. At present the society unites 44 students’ scientific circles and about 1500 students.


Governing body:
Vice-Rector for Research – Prof. Victor Zinchuk, Dr. Sc. (Med.).
Students’ Scientific Research Supervisor -– Prof. Yauhen Okalakulak, Dr. Sc. (Med.).
Chair of the Students’ Scientific Society Council – Fatima Gadzhiyeva.

The aims of the Students’ Scientific Society:

  • specialist training quality improvement
  • development of students’ creative abilities
  • scientific and cultural level improvement of young people
  • formation of scientific approach to the solution of practical questions.

The objectives of the Students’ Scientific Society:

  • extension of students’ relations with other medical establishments of higher education
  • holding students’ scientific conferences and contests
  • promotion of publication preparation and practical application of students’ research results

The principals of functioning of students’ scientific circles:

  • familiarization of students with scientific activities
  • development of scientific inquiry sense, analytical abilities, ability to work with scientific literature
  • acquiring and extending skills to examine patients, to diagnose diseases.

The forms of the students’ scientific research:

  • paper,
  • experiment,
  • participation in the performance of experiments and presentations in animals,
  • clinical discussion of related patients and patients with uncommon disorders,
  • evening doctor’s rounds together with the academic staff of clinical departments,
  • reinforcement of practical skills at treatment and diagnostic units.

The Students’ Scientific Society of the Grodno State Medical University cooperates actively with students’ scientific societies of other medical establishments of higher education within and outside of the Republic of Belarus. Our students many times delivered reports in students’ scientific conferences in Belarus (Minsk, Vitebsk, Gomel, Pinsk) and abroad (Warsaw, Lodz, Bialystok, Poznan, Krakow, Kiev, Chernovtsy, Saratov, Smolensk, Moscow, St.Petersburg and others).

The Students’ Scientific Society provides assistance in the preparation of scientific works, practical application of students’ research results, carrying out joint research within the scope of the international students’ cooperation.

The effectiveness of the Students’ Scientific Society of the Grodno State Medical University was awarded in 2006 with Diploma of social support for talented pupils and students, and in 2010 with the Prize of the Special Fund of the Republic of Belarus for the development of the students’ anatomy laboratory.

Incentives for the students’ scientific research:

  • scholarship awards and personal grants
  • first-priority admission to clinical residency and doctoral courses
  • right to choose the place of internship, including clinical practice abroad
  • first-priority right to choose the placement upon the graduation.