University Structure Academic departments Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology News and events


03 january 2023 — 17:00

Second-year students with good and excellent marks on the subject (on average 7 or higher) are welcomed to participate in the Olympiad on Histology, Cytology, Embryology which will be held on January 3 , 2023 (Tuesday) at 17.00 in the lecture hall (auditorium No. 7).

Social distance of 1.5 m in the auditorium is required.

You need to inform your teachers about your participation in advance.

You need not specially prepare to the Olympiad, just take the pens.

The participants will have to write short answers to 30 specific questions with microphotos, each projected onto the screen for 1 min.

Just before the Olympiad, each participant will receive a blank with the set of questions and places for answers.

Authors of 10 best papers will get 1 point to their mark at the Final exam.

Authors of 3 best papers will get 2 points to their mark at the Final exam.


Head of the Department of histology,

cytology and embryology,

professor S.M. Zimatkin

21.12.2022 y.

