University Structure Academic departments Department of Radiodiagnostics Academic Staff
Semeniuk Tatiana Viktorovna Senior Lecturer

2014 - Graduated with honors from the medical-diagnostic department of the Grodno State Medical University, specialty "Medical-diagnostic business."

2014 - 2015 years. - Doctor-intern of "Grodno Regional Hospital." qualification "Doctor X-ray diagnostics" awarded in 2015.

2015 - 2016 years. - Teacher-intern of the department of radio diagnosis and radiotherapy of Grodno State Medical University.

2016 – pt. - assistant of the department of radio diagnosis and radiotherapy of Grodno State Medical University.

2017 - Retraining in higher education in the specialty "Ultrasonic diagnostics". Was qualified physician ultrasound diagnosis.

Since 2018 - the head of the academic part of the department.
