University Structure Academic departments Department of Pediatrics I

Grodno Regional Children's Clinical Hospital is the main medical center for 3 departments of the Grodno State Medical University - Department of Pediatrics I, Department of Pediatrics II and Pediatric Surgery Department. It is the only hospital dedicated to provide health care for children in the Grodno region (population is about 1.5 million people). The hospital is equipped with modern facilities to provide diagnostic and therapeutic, surgical care for children. It is designed for about 370 beds.

The main units at Grodno Regional Children's Clinical Hospital were specialists of I Department of Pediatrics carry out a clinical work are the Pulmonology Unit (designed for 60 beds), 5th Pediatric Unit for patients with cardiological, nephrological and hematological disorders (designed for 60 beds) and 6th Pediatric Unit for patients with allergy, gastroenterological and endocrine disorders (designed for 40 beds). The clinical work includes first of all treatment patients, consult assistance as well as organizing medical pediatric care.

Other types of clinical activities of academic staff are review of medical cards and medical documentations of severe pediatric patients from Intensive Care Unit of Regional Hospital and District Hospitals of Grodno Region, analyzing cases with lethal outcomes and organizing seminars for discussion problem points among medical staff of hospitals. Highly qualified specialists of our department organize clinical conferences and publish recommendations, brochures in different modern issues in pediatrics, deliver lectures to share new medical information with colleagues. Academic staff provides active educational and prophylactic work among children and their parents using mass media as well.

Grodno Regional Children's Clinical Hospital (Ostrovskogo str, 22)

Clinical activities of academic staff of Department of Pediatrics I at Grodno Regional Children's Clinical Hospital

Tsikhan Natallia Mihaylovna

MD, PhD, Associate Professor

4th, 6th Pediatric Unit


Maksimovich Nikalai Andreyevich

MD, DSc, Professor

Pulmonology Unit


Baihot Svetlana Ivanаvna

MD, PhD, Associate Professor

Pulmonology Unit


Roubuts Tatsiana Ivanаvna

MD, PhD, Associate Professor

Pulmonology Unit


Sаrаkаpyt Zinaida Vasilevna

MD, PhD, Associate Professor

Pulmonology Unit


Parfionava Ina Uladzimiravna

MD, Assistant lecture

Pulmonology Unit


Luksha Aliaksandr Victаrаvich

MD, Assistant lecture

5th Pediatric Unit


Hayeuskaya Yeuheniya Alexandrovna

MD, Assistant lecture

6th Pediatric Unit
