General information and timetable of classes for 4th-5th students
Classes are held in the Children’s Regional Hospital (Ostrovskogo str., 22).
Class duration: 5 academic hours.
Classes start at 8.00 a.m. and finish at 12.15 p.m.
Break 1: 9.30 – 9.45
Break 2: 11.15 – 11.30
General information and timetable of classes for 6th year students
Classes are held in the Children’s Regional Hospital (Ostrovskogo str., 22).
Class duration: 7 academic hours.
Classes start at 8.00 a.m. and finish at 2.00 p.m.
Break 1: 9.30 – 9.45
Break 2: 11.15 – 11.30
Break 3: 13.00 – 13.15
A supervisor of teaching pediatrics on 6th year of study for international students is Tsikhan Natallia Michailovna, MD, PhD, Associate Professor.
How to make up missed classes?
If students missed classes, they have to take it outside of the original time. Students have to make it up.
There are making-up missed classes («otrabotki») every Wednesday from 1 p.m. till 6 p.m. at the Department of Pediatrics I.
Students are requested to come for «otrabotka» to the laboratory assistant room of the Department of Pediatrics Iby 15.00 p.m. at the latest.
Turn to your classmates for information about a definite class and ask them to share their notes. Be sure to read more than one students' notes to prepare for «otrabotka» (see recommended literature).
NB! Please note how long your permit note is valid.
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