University Structure Academic departments Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology named after S. I. Gelberg Academic staff
Nikalaeva Irina Vladimiravna Senior Lecturer
Phone: + 375-152-621609

In 2001 graduated from the Slonim State Medical College with honors.

2001-2003 - paramedic at the Porech outpatient clinic of the Grodno region.

2007 - graduated from the Grodno State Medical Institute.

2007-2008 - teacher-trainee.

2008 – present - assistant lecturer at the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology named after S.I. Gelberg EI "GrSMU".

2014 - present - applicant for EI "GrSMU".

2020 - present - head of the educational part of the department.

Since 2021 - Senior lecturer of the department.



2022 – graduated from the postgraduate studies of GrSMU in the form of an application, awarded the scientific qualification "Researcher" in the field of biochemical sciences.

Actively participates in the work of the SSS of the department. Under her leadership, published student works were awarded with diplomas of II and III degrees.

Tutor of student groups of the Faculty of Medical Diagnostics.

During pedagogical activity, took advanced training courses for higher school teachers:

  • 2011 – «Design and implementation of innovations in higher education» at the GrSMU (RIHE).
  • 2016 – «Modern methods of diagnosis of infectious diseases: polymerase chain reaction, gene diagnostics, automated microbiological technologies, enzyme immunoassay and others» at the SEI «BelMAPO».
  • 2021 – «Clinical Microbiology» at the GrSMU.
  • 2022 – Effective use of MOODLE tools in educational and professional activities (RIHE).

Scientific achievements:

The sphere of scientific interests is related to the study of microbiological and biochemical changes in the intestine under conditions of ingestion of biologically active compounds.

Author (co-author) of more than 45 scientific papers, 1 european patent, 4 innovation proposals, 1 introduction of AMO into the educational process; co-author of 2 educational programs and 5 electronic educational and methodological complexes (registered at the Institute of Applied Software Systems).
