University Structure Academic departments Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology named after S. I. Gelberg Academic staff
Artiukh Tatsiana Valerievna Senior Lecturer
Phone: + 375-152-621609

2010 – graduated from Grodno State Medical University.

2010 – apointmented to the Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Virology named after S.I. Gelberg of EI GrSMU for the position of a teacher-trainee.

2011-2024 – worked as an assistant lecturer at the Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Virology named after S.I. Gelberg.

2024 – currently – works as a senior lecturer at the Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Virology named after S.I. Gelberg.

Conducts practical classes for students of 2-3 courses of all faculties.

2018-currently – performs the duties of the secretary of the department.

2020-2021 – Master's student of the Educational Institution «Grodno State Medical University», specialty 1-31 80 12 «Medical Microbiology».

2021, defended Master's thesis.

2022-currently – postgraduate student for the degree of candidate of medical sciences at EI «GomSMU», specialty 03.02.03. "Microbiology".



During pedagogical activity, took advanced training courses for higher school teachers:

  • 2019 – «Pedagogical activity of a higher school teacher» at GrSMU (RIHE).
  • 2019 – «General clinical methods of laboratory research» at GrSMU.
  • 2022 – «Modern methods for determining sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs» at GomSMU.

2022 – Member of the Belarusian Public Association of Microbiologists.

Scientific achievements:

Sphere of scientific interests is related to the study of the effects of low molecular weight compounds on antibiotic sensitivity of gram-negative bacteria with various resistance mechanisms in different forms of existence.

Author (co-author) of more than 20 scientific papers; implementations in medical practice and in the educational process of the department; innovation proposals.

Supervises the research work of students.

Train 3 prize-winners of the Republican contest of students’ scientific works of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus.
