University Structure Academic departments Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology named after S. I. Gelberg Academic staff
Sheibak Vladimir Mikhailovich Head of the Department
Phone: + 375-152-621609

In 1979 graduated from the medical faculty of the Grodno State Medical Institute (GGMI).

1979-1982 - senior laboratory assistant of the Department of Metabolic Regulation (ORM) of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR.

1982-1986 - Junior Researcher of the Department of Metabolic Regulation of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR.

1986-1988 - Researcher at the Institute of Biochemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR.

1988-1990 - assistant lecturer of the Department of Biochemistry, GGMI.

1990-1992 - Scientific secretary of the Branch of the All-Union Scientific Center of Narcology of the Ministry of Health of the USSR.

1992-2000 - Senior (chief) researcher of the Central Scientific Research Laboratory of the GGMI.

2000-2011 - Head of the Central Scientific Research Laboratory of the State Medical University.

2011-2020 - Professor of the Department of Biological Chemistry, Grodno State Medical University.

2006-2007, 2018 - present - Professor of the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology named after S.I. Gelberg.

From 2020 to the present - head of the department.



1986 – Candidate of Medical Sciences (The influence of specific and non-specific factors on the ratio level of coenzyme A, acyl-CoA and coenzyme precursors in the liver of animals on balanced and pantothenate-deficient diets, Minsk).

1998 – Doctor of Medical Sciences (Features of the formation of amino acid imbalance, metabolic disorders of coenzyme A and their correction in experimental alcoholism, Moscow).

2005 – Excellent Healthcare provider of the Republic of Belarus.

2007 – Associate professor.

Honorary Professor of the Institute of Biochemistry of Biologically Active Compounds of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

Scientific achievements:

Research interests – the role of metabolic disorders of free amino acids in the development of pathological processes, the possibility of correction and prevention of metabolic changes with drugs based on free amino acids and zinc.

Experimentally substantiated the concept of regulation of metabolism by CoA/acyl-CoA ratios. For the first time, showed the effect of pantothenate derivatives on the exchange of free amino acids during alcohol intoxication. Substantiated the basic principles of metabolic therapy with amino acid preparations for alcoholism.

He is a co-author of original methods of prevention and treatment of metabolic disorders in newborn children that have no analogues in world practice.

Participated in the development of the original drugs «Bienosilim» and «Orvital». He developed and proposed to introduce a complex medicine containing taurine and zinc.

Under the scientific supervision of V.M. Sheibak, a number of tasks were performed for GKPNI, BFFI and ONTP.

Scientific supervisor of 4 candidate's and 4 master's theses.

Member of the Dissertation Defense Council at the Institute of Biochemistry of Biologically Active Compounds of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

Author of 550 scientific papers (including 10 monographs), 12 educational and methodological developments; more than 30 patents, including jointly with European specialists.

Member of the editorial board of the journals «2Advanced Biochemistry», «Journal of Grodno State Medical University», «Hepatology and Gastroenterology».
