University Structure Academic departments Department of Normal Anatomy Educational activities

Human Anatomy Educational Standard


Human Anatomy

Human anatomy is the science, which contains systematized scientific knowledge and techniques about the patterns of development and the structure of the human body.

The main aim of the Human Anatomy is to form scientific knowledge about the structure of the human body to be used as the study of the following disciplines, as well as for use in professional activities.

General learning outcomes

Upon completion of the discipline, the students are supposed

 to know:

  • the structure of organs, their position in the human body and topography;
  • relationship between the structure and function of organs;
  • individual, sex and age features in the structure of organs of the human body;
  • variations and anomalies of structure of organs in relationship with the features of embryonic development;
  • radiographic anatomy of organs and systems of organs.

to be able to:

  • identify and show anatomical structures using preparations, models and posters;
  • show correct position of bones, internal organs, vessels and nerves according to the "self-body" or "patient-body" position;
  • use anatomical terminology, as well as anatomical eponyms;
  • understand and discuss functional anatomy of body structures;
  • apply the received knowledge in practical setting.