University Structure Academic departments 1-st Department of Surgical Diseases Academic staff
Ioskevich Nikolaj Nikolaevich Head of the Department
+375-152-62-67-41 email:

Dr. Sc. (Med.), professor of the first department of surgical diseases of GrSMU. Surgeon of the highest category

Education: Grodno State Medical University (graduated with honours in 1981).

Academic degree and title: MD (Doctor of Sciences) since 2008

Work experience: at the Grodno State Medical University – since 1981.

Working in the department from 1983.

Responsibilities: Lecturer of the 4th- study year in clinical surgery with Russian language medium

Tutor of practical classes of the 4th-6th study years in clinical surgery with Russian language medium

Examinator of the students with Russian language medium




Research area: reconstructive surgery of stenting for abdominal aortic lesion, pereferal and brachiocephalic arteries, surgical gastroenterology, recurrent spontaneous pneuomothorax, coloproctology, pathogenic basics of reperfusive oxygenic syndrome, military and tropic surgery, nanotechnology intervention in surgery.

Publications: the author of over 329 publications on research and educational issues. 93 rationalization proposals, 39 patent for intervention in the Republic of Belarus.

