University Structure Academic departments Department of Anesthesiology and Emergency Medicine Academic staff
Ruslan Yakubtsevich Head of the Department
Phone: + 375-152-43-40-85

Academic degree and title: MD, Doctor of Medical Sciences, associate professor.

Work experience:

2000 - graduated from Grodno State Medical University.

2000-2001 - completed an internship at the resuscitation and anesthesiology department of the Grodno regional clinical hospital.

2000 – 2004 - An anesthesiologist and intensive care physician at the Grodno Regional Clinical Hospital.

October 2004 - August 2015 - Head of the Hemodialysis Department with extracorporeal detoxification methods of the Grodno Regional Clinical Hospital.

Since 2001 - Assistant, and since 2008 - Associate Professor of the Department of Anesthesiology and Emergency Medicine of Grodno State Medical University.

Since September 2015 - Head of the Department of Anesthesiology and Emergency Medicine of Grodno State Medical University.

In 2005 defended his thesis on the specialty 14.00.37. - anesthesiology and resuscitation "Extracorporeal autohemomagnet therapy and antiproteinasehemoperfusion in the complex treatment of the syndrome of acute lung injury in patients with sepsis" (supervisor - Dr. of Medical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Spas).

In 2018 defended his doctoral thesis on the specialty 14.01.20 - anesthesiology and resuscitation “Extracorporeal methods of detoxification in the intensive therapy of sepsis” (scientific consultant - Dr. of Medical Sciences, Professor Vladimir Spas)


Author of books:

“Chronic programmed hemodialysis for patients” (2006);

“Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Monograph "(2007),

"Sepsis.Modern concept. Clinic, diagnosis, treatment "(2008)

"A course of lectures on resuscitation and intensive care" (2009),

“Extracorporeal blood purification methods in intensive therapy of sepsis. Monograph "(2015),

“Basic course of anesthesiology” (2016).

“Hemocorrection and extracorporal blood purification in the elimination of toxic metabolites in sepsis and critical conditions associated with the dysregulation of metabolic processes. Monograph»(2017)

“Basic course of intensive care (2017).

“Clinical situations in anesthesiology and resuscitation (2018).

Author of 190 scientific publications, 72 rationalization proposals on topical issues of anesthesiology and resuscitation, extracorporeal detoxification and hemodialysis. Has 13 patents for invention, 3 instructions for use.

Anesthesiologist-resuscitator of the highest qualification category.

He was awarded letters of appreciation from the “Grodno Regional Clinical Hospital” (2005, 2008), as well as a letter from the Grodno Regional Executive Committee (2009), a letter from the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus (2008), the badge “Excellence in Public Health” (2015). 
