University Structure Academic departments Department of Normal Physiology News and events

Visit of parents of students from India

04 november 2019 — 12:31

On November 01, 2019, in order to familiarize themselves with the learning conditions, the department was visited by the parents of Nimavat Anmol Manish, second-year students of group 16a: Manish K. Nimavat (father) and Sangita M. Nimavat (mother). They met with the head of the department, professor, MD V.V. Zinchuk and attended a practical class on ECG registration (instructor - associate professor S.V. Glutkin).

Meeting of parents with the head of the department

On an ECG registration class

With an instructor of group 16a II year

From left to right: Nimavat Anmol Manish, Manish K. Nimavat, Sangita M. Nimavat and associate professor S.V. Glutkin

