University Structure Academic departments Department of General Surgery

The doctor of medical sciences, professor Boris Ivanovich Klepatsky, was the organizer and the head of the department of General Surgery from 1960 to 1966. The department was placed on the basis of the 1st City Hospital of Z.P. Solovyov. 3 rates of teachers and 1 rate of the manager were included in the staff of the department. There were opened a clinical internship (1961) and postgraduate studies (1963) at the department of General Surgery due to Boris Ivanovich's efforts. 4 masters from the staff of the department for short time and 3 after his death were defended. Boris Ivanovich suddenly died in 1966.

The second period of formation and development of the department of General Surgery is connected with election on a competition to a position of the head of the department Prof. Ivan Yakovlevich Makshanov in 1967. He defended the dissertation for a degree of the doctor of medical sciences in 1974, and the academic status of Professor was given in 1975.

Health Care Institution "Grodno City Clinical Hospital №4" became a base of the department since April, 1989. The staff of department was increased up to 8 rates of teachers and 2 professors. Ivan Yakovlevich was a head of the department from 1994 till 2002, he was one of the most famous scientists of our university worked at a this position. 4 doctor's and 16 master's dissertations were defended under his management.

Professor Petr Vasilyevich Garelik was elected to a position of the head of the General Surgery department in 1994. The Health Ministry of the Republic of Belarus appointed him to a rector of Grodno State Medical Institute, and he worked till 2010 in this position.

Since 2005 the department was headed by Prof. Olga Ilyinichna Dubrovshchik, and from 2011 Prof. Petr Garelik became the manager of General Surgery clinic again. Nowadays under his management the low-invasive and laparoscopic technologies are taking the leading positions in clinic both in planned, and in urgent surgery developed actively and improved. At the department the Surgical Sciences School was created and registered in National Academy of Sciences in Belarus.

Today the clinic of the General Surgery is included a good scientific potential: 3 Professors (P.V. Garelik, O.I. Dubrovshchik, G.G. Marmysh); 6 PhD (A.A. Polynsky, I.T. Tsilindz, I.S. Dovnar, M.I. Mileshko, S.V. Koleshko, A.N. Dziashuk); and 3 MD (PhD P.V. Belous, V.V. Vashchenko, A.L. Valentyukevich).