University Structure Academic departments Department of General Surgery Academic staff
Dudzinski Aleksandr Nikolaevich Assistant

Dudzinski Aleksandr Nikolaevich in 2010 he graduated from Grodno state medical University with a degree in Pediatrics.

2010-2011. internship on a speciality "Children's surgery" on the base of UZ "Brest regional children's hospital".

2011-2013 worked as a child surgeon in UZ "Baranovichi children's city hospital".

In 2014 he was retrained on the basis of the BELARUSIAN medical Academy of postgraduate education in the specialty "Surgery".

2014-2016 worked as a surgeon in UZ "5 city clinical hospital" in Minsk.

2016-2018 гг. was a postgraduate student at the Department of General surgery of EE "Grodno state medical University".

From 2018 to the present assistant of the Department of General surgery of UE "Grodno state medical University".

Research is devoted to the problem of recurrence of postoperative ventral hernias.



He is a co-author of the patent of Belarus for invention No. 22127 "method of plastic of median postoperative ventral hernia". Have 8 innovation proposals, the act of implementation in the educational process.
