University Structure Academic departments Department of General Surgery Academic staff
Dziashuk Anatoli Nikolaevich Associate Professor

Dziashuk Anatoli Nikolaevich in 2009, he graduated with honors from the public educational institution “Grodno State Medical University” with a degree in General Medicine.

From August 2009 to June 2010, he completed an internship in the specialty "Surgery" at the UZ "City Clinical Hospital No. 4 of Grodno". 

2010-2013 - Postgraduate studies at the Department of General Surgery, UO "State Medical University".

Since November 2013 - Assistant of the Department of General Surgery, UO "State Medical University".

Currently - an assistant professor of the same department.



In 2014, she defended a dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic “Minimally invasive biliary decompression and photodynamic therapy of acute cholecystitis”, specialty 01/14/17 - Surgery.

The results of scientific activities are summarized and published in more than 50 works. There are 6 acts of introducing the results of research into practical public health, 3 acts of introduction into the educational process at the Department of General Surgery of Ural State Medical University, 3 acts into scientific activity. Decisions were obtained on the grant of patents for inventions: “A method for modeling acute cholecystitis” A.N. Deshuk, P.V. Garelik - No. a 20111595, declared 11/25/2011, publ. 12/16/2014; "A method for the treatment of acute cholecystitis" A.N. Deshuk, P.V. Garelik - No. a 20111703, declared 12.12.2011, publ. 09/25/2014.

Approved by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus and implemented into practical public health 2 instructions for use: "Percutaneous transhepatic debridement and decompression puncture of the gallbladder under ultrasound guidance"; "The method of photodynamic therapy of acute cholecystitis." He is the responsible executor of the research work of the Department of General Surgery of Ural State Medical University "Improving the methods of surgical treatment of ventral hernias in patients with metabolic syndrome" (state registration number 20150649, registration date 05/18/2015), supervisor - MD , Professor, Honored Worker of Science of the Republic of Belarus Garelik P.V.

