University Structure Academic departments Department of General Surgery Academic staff
Garelik Petr Vasilievich Head of the Department
telephone: +375-152-542647 email:

Garelik Petr Vasilievich was born on February 15, 1949 in the village of Kovaltsy, Molodechensky district, Minsk region.

He graduated with honors from the Yuratishkovsky Medical School (1968).

Graduated from the Grodno Medical Institute (1974).

He was a Lenin scholarship holder.

Surgeon of the Molodechno City Hospital (1974 - 1978).

Clinical resident of the Department of Hospital Surgery of the State Medical Museum (1978 - 1980).

Assistant of the Department of Hospital Surgery of the State Medical Institute (1980 - 1987), associate professor of the same department (1987 - 1992), professor of the same department (1992 - 1994).

Head of the Department of General Surgery (1994 - 2005).

Rector of the educational institution “Grodno State Medical University” (1998 - 2010).

Head of the Department of General Surgery (2010 - present).


Under the Gareliks leadership Unstitute passed accreditation for university status. A three-level knowledge control system has been introduced. Measures are being taken to improve the quality of education. Discipline assessment criteria have been developed. The project "National Textbook" is being implemented. Controlled independent work is being introduced. Thanks to the work carried out to prepare scientific and pedagogical personnel at the university, a generational change has taken place. Over the past 10 years, university staff defended 18 doctoral and 89 master's theses. In terms of coefficient and “degree”, in recent years the university has won first place in the Republic of Belarus. The university was computerized, an electronic library room was organized, and information databanks were created. The material and technical base was strengthened, and overhauls of dormitories and educational buildings were carried out. The journal of the Grodno State Medical University is published. The provision on the flag, coat of arms, anthem of the State Medical University was adopted. The title “Honorary Doctor of the State Medical University” was established. Collaboration has been established with educational and scientific centers of Poland, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine. The university is included in the Association of Baltic Universities. Exports of educational services expanded. The university is visited by prominent figures in government, religion, science, culture, international ambassadors.

Candidate of Medical Sciences ("Clinical and experimental study of lipase inhibition in the treatment of acute pancreatitis", 1984). Doctor of Medical Sciences ("Ways to improve the efficiency of surgical treatment of cholestasis syndrome in patients with obstructive jaundice", 1991).

He is the author of 406 publications, 8 patents, 60 rationalization proposals, 2 textbooks, 6 manuals with the signature stamp of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus, 7 monographs, 19 teaching aids, 5 instructions for use. Under his leadership, 2 doctoral and 2 master's theses were defended. Corresponding Member of BelAMN. Member of the Board of the Republican Scientific Society of Surgeons. Member of specialized Councils for the defense of dissertations of the Grodno and Belarusian State Medical Universities. Member of the Association of Endoscopic Surgeons of the Russian Federation (Moscow). Honorary Doctor of the Minsk Theological Academy and Seminary. Editor-in-chief of the Journal of the Grodno State Medical University. Member of the editorial board of a number of Belarusian and foreign medical journals. Surgeon of the highest qualification category.

Awarded with Gold and Big Gold medals. Albert Schweitzer (2001), a medal of Francis Skorina (2002), a medal of the Belarusian Orthodox Church named after St. Cyril Turovsky (2005), anniversary medals of the Republic of Belarus and a number of universities, and an honorary diploma of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus. Member of the Grodno City Council (2001, 2006). Excellent student of healthcare in Belarus (2007). Honored Scientist of the Republic of Belarus (2007).
