Ideological and educational work at the department is carried out in accordance with the plan approved at a meeting of the department and agreed with the department of educational work with youth of the university.
Responsible for organizing ideological and educational work - senior teacher Oleg Vladimirovich Chechkov
The purpose of ideological and educational work at the Department of Public Health and Healthcare:
Raising a socially adapted, diversified and morally mature, highly professional creative personality. Instilling in students feelings of patriotism, national pride and respect for the cultural and historical values of our country, creating a healthy lifestyle among students and university staff.
The main directions of ideological and educational work carried out at the department:
Conducting informational and educational hours with students
Supervising activities with students
Research activities
Promotion of healthy lifestyles;
Formation of professional skills:
Speaking in the media.
Participation in public sports events of the university.
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