University Structure Academic departments Department of Public Health and Health Services News and events

A distance learning workshop for university staff of Belarus "Quality Assurance in Medical and Public Health Education"

06 november 2020 — 13:46

The head of the Department of Public health and Health Services Surmach Marina Yuryevna and senior lecturer Trus Elena Ivanovna took part in a distance learning workshop for university staff of Belarus "Quality Assurance in Medical and Public Health Education", which was held by the 3-4th of November 2020 as part of the SPRING project – SETTING PEER REVIEW INSTRUMENTS AND GOALS FOR MEDICAL (HEALTH) EDUCATION.

The workshop was organized by Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (LUHS), Kaunas, Lithuania, Medical University, Sofia, Bulgaria, together with Professor Levan Metreveli, Project Leader (BAU International University, Batumi, Georgia).

Within two days the participants have attended a course of online lectures on the following subjects:

  1. Introduction to the SPRING project: aims, objectives vision to the future of training of health care professionals (Prof. Levan  Metreveli, Project Leader, BAU, Batumi, Georgia)
  2. Bologna declaration and development of European higher education area: medical and public health education in focus (Prof. Linas Šumskas, LUHS, Faculty of Public Health, Kaunas, Lithuania)
  3. The competence framework for graduates of medical training programmes (Prof. Algimantas Tamelis, Dean, Faculty of Medicine, LUHS, Kaunas, Lithuania)
  4. Leadership in public health and university training (Prof. Mindaugas Stankūnas, LUHS, Faculty of Public Health, Kaunas, Lithuania)
  5. Quality assurance and quality culture in medical and public health higher education (Prof. Angelika Velkova, Medical University, Sofia, Bulgaria)
  6. Approaches to quality assessment in higher education. Peer review (Prof. Angelika Velkova, Medical University, Sofia, Bulgaria)
  7. Quality assurance and experience of ASPHER and APHEA in public health programme accreditation (Prof. Кarolina Lyubomirova, Member of the Executive Board of ASPHER, Vice Rector, Medical University, Sofia, Bulgaria)

The official language of the workshop is English.

Despite the lockdown period due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the online format of the workshop allowed even those teachers who were in self-isolation or in quarantine to actively participate (such as senior teacher Elena Trus).

An important result of the workshop has become the strengthening of cooperation and establishing new professional contacts, as well as motivation for the development and improvement in order to achieve a high quality of education at the Grodno State Medical University and the Department of Public health and Health Services.

