Innovative pedagogical technology in teaching biomedical ethics

In teaching biomedical ethics to first-year students of the faculty of foreign students with English as the language of instruction in 2021, an innovative pedagogical technology combining educational, educational and creative components was successfully tested.
The use of the technique demonstrated an increase in academic performance according to the intermediate certification of students in those groups where the technology was used. In this regard, a creative form of conducting two final classes in biomedical ethics at the Faculty of Economics in English has been used annually since 2021.
Due to the specifics of teaching first-year foreign students in the autumn semester, the need to continue studying the discipline at the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, in November - December 2024, four groups were given the opportunity to implement a pedagogical innovation.
As a homework assignment it was suggested to prepare a brief logical scheme-matrix of an answer to a block of questions from the list of questions for the exam. Students were organised into groups in advance. The teacher selected the questions and assigned them to the students. Students were not limited only to the material of the lecture and textbook, but could also express their own vision, reflection in the practice of health care in the countries where the students came from.
It was allowed to use different forms of presentation: visual (drawings, posters, three-dimensional objects, including in electronic format, at the student's choice), theatrical, logical-cognitive (puzzles, quizzes), and others, and to combine them. Students solved the given questions, working in small groups, and chose their own way of presenting information to their classmates. The aim was to systematise knowledge, to use the intellectual and creative potential of young people, to stimulate interest in the discussed problems. The class was emotional, students tried to use the theoretical knowledge gained in previous classes, to lead a discussion.
This form of work promotes the formation of the skill to work in a team, facilitates the adaptation of freshmen to study in a student collective.