Meeting of Erasmus+ KA2 project coordinators
19/05/2020, 12.00 - 13.00
Within the framework of the international project "SETTING PEER REVIEW INSTRUMENTS AND GOALS FOR MEDICAL (HEALTH) EDUCATION / SPRING" 609528-EPP-1-2019-1-GE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP an online meeting of coordinators and experts from partner universities was held.
The meeting was attended by the representatives of 14 partner universities from 7 countries, including the Head of the Department of Public Health and Health Services Marina Surmach (project coordinator, manager) and the Head of the Department of Foreign Languages Yanina Razvodovskaya (project expert). The official language of the project and meeting is English.
During the online meeting, representatives to the project Board were elected. In the Board the Republic of Belarus will be represented by the authorized agent from the International State Ecological University named after A. D. Sakharov of Belarusian State University for the duration of the first half of the project, for the second half of the project – project coordinator from GRSMU Surmach Marina.
Urgent issues of the project implementation in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, including the possibility of online organization of training seminars, were discussed.