University Structure Academic departments Department of Public Health and Health Services Academic staff
Surmach Marina Yurievna Head of the Department
Phone: + 375-152-60-08-09

Education: Grodno State Medical Institute, (at present – Educational Institution “Grodno State Medical University”), the Faculty of General Medicine (graduated in 1998), Clinical Residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology (2003).

Academic degree and title:  Dr of Sci  in Medicine, Professor.

Work experience: since 1998, at the Grodno State Medical University – 2003.





Member of the Russian Society of Sociologists, Member of the editorial board of the journals «Вопросы организации и информатизации здравоохранения», «Журнал Гродненского государственного медицинского университета», “The Journal of Medical and Health Sciences Education for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (MEDH-EECA)”, expert of the journals “Hygeia Public Health” and “Problemy Higieny i Epidemiologii” (Poland).

Responsibilities:  Head of the Department since 2016, Academic Council Secretary (from 2015 to present), Internal Auditor of GRSMU Quality management system and occupational health and safety management system, Deputy Chairman of the University Expert Committee. The expert of the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus. Erasmus-coordinator (Erasmus+ KA2 «Setting peer review instruments and goals for medical (health) education»/ SPRING, realization: 2020-2023).

Publications: the author of over 400 publications on research and educational issues (9 monographs, 2 of which were published in Germany, 1 - in Russia (Moscow), more than 40 articles were published in scientific journals and monographs in foreign countries. Author of 5 instructions for use, 1 Textbook and 2 Manuals approved by the Ministry of Education of Belarus (1 of them in English), 6 manuals approved by the Teaching-Methodical Association of Ministry of Health of Belarus (in English).
