The Department was established in 1962. The first Head of the Department of Pathophysiology was associate professor L.F. Supron, Cand. Sc. (Medicine). From 1962 to 2004, the Department was headed by Professor, Honored Scientist of Belarus D.A. Maslakov, D. Sc. (Medicine). Since 2012 the Department has born his name.
Since 2004, the Department has been headed by professor N.Ye. Maksimovich, D.Sc. (Medicine). The lecturers of the Department were prof. D.A. Maslakov D.Sc. (Medicine) (1962-2011), prof. V.V. Bakanskaya, D.Sc. (Medicine), assistant lecturer L.L. Govor, assistant lecturer T.V. Kalinina, senior lecturer Ya.V. Lagodsky, Ph. D. (Medicine) (1962-2002), associate professor M.V. Borisyuk (1965-1969), associate professor K.A. Eismont, Ph. D. (Medicine) (1969-2009, 2014-2016), associate professor P.M. Korolev (1970-1980), assistant lecturer A.B. Schneider (1981-1985), associate professor S.S. Malchik (1984-1999), assistant lecturer G.M Sukhotskaya, Ph. D. (Medicine) (1986-2001), assistant lecturer T.S. Milosh, Ph. D. (Medicine) (2006-2010), associate professor M.N. Khodosovsky, Ph. D. (Medicine) (2000-until now), associate professor E.I. Troyan (2001-until now), associate professor I.K. Dremza (1980-1982, 2010-until now), associate professor A.N Borodzinsky (2009-2014), senior lecturer A.V. Lelevich (2002-until now).
The Heads of the Pathophysiology Department
Supron L.F Associate professor (1960-1962) |
Maslacov D. A. professor (1962-2004) |
Maksimovich N. Ye., professor (from 2004 ) |