University Structure Academic departments Department of Psychology and Pedagogy

Center for monitoring professional risks and psychological support of health workers

The target group of the Center is the heads of healthcare organizations, medical specialists, pharmacists-specialists, medical interns, interns, graduate students, nursing staff, pharmaceutical staff, college students.

The center is created for the purpose of psychological support of medical, pharmaceutical workers of health organizations, students (students) of educational institutions providing training, advanced training and retraining of specialists with higher and secondary specialized medical, pharmaceutical education at all stages of continuing professional education and professional activities.

The main tasks of the Center are:

  1. psychological selection of candidates for executive positions;
  2. identification of students' (students), medical, pharmaceutical workers leadership skills, organizational skills and decision-making abilities;
  3. psychological diagnosis of students (students), medical, pharmaceutical workers, individual counseling;
  4. detection of professional deformities and their correction;
  5. identification of “problem personnel” and professional stressors;
  6. assessment of the "internal" environment of health care organizations, the study of the psychological climate in medical teams;
  7. identification of risk factors in the working environment and objective difficulties in the work;
  8. trainings on the development of the principles of conflict-free communication by students (listeners), medical and pharmaceutical workers, as well as prevention of the onset of emotional burnout syndrome and, if necessary, psychological correction;
  9. training on the mastering and development of skills and self-regulation skills, stress resistance;
  10. development of communication algorithms (scripts) with patients by their relatives, colleagues, managers, both by telephone and in person;
  11. programs for individual (collective) psychological correction of identified risk factors in order to minimize their impact on medical, pharmaceutical workers and the moral and psychological climate in medical teams.

Phones: +375-152-44-55-29 (The Head of the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy Boyko S.L.)

                    +375-152-44-68-31 (Сenter specialist Nerad N.V.)
